Friday, 20 July 2018


The topic given for the Just A Minute session could be anything and the candidate must be prepared to speak on any given topic. But, there are chances the topics can be repeated at times.

Here I’m mentioning 21 Ideas which may help you in conducting a minute speech sessions or Impromptu speaking competitions.
  1. Words of Wisdom- Share the best words of wisdom from your life and share how it helped you in making your life easy.
  2. Being 10 Years-old Again- What if you go back to your childhood days and start your life again after 10 years of age.
  3. Starting a New Business- Nowadays Entrepreneurship is on boom, If given an opportunity what’s your business idea and business plan?
  4. Getting Published- What if a publisher call you to publish your book, what will be the title of your book?
  5. Most memorable meal- Describe the best meal you had with your lovable s and what made it memorable to you.
  6. Favorite food- What is your favorite food, and why so.
  7. Least favorite food- What’s your least favorite food, and explain why it so?
  8. A Second Chance- What is that one thing you want to rewind in your life?
  9. Stand Up and Speak- Speak on anyone topic which you want to.
  10. The joy of dancing- Share your experiences with dance, if you’ve ever danced as if nobody is watching you, share your story.
  11. Rock Climbing- Share your fantasy with rock climbing, if you have any prior experiences with trekking a mountain or if you have climbed any rock.
  12. Apples are my favorite fruit: Doctor says an apple a day, keeps a doctor away. Share your amazing reasons why apple is your favorite fruit.
  13. Bananas are better- What if given a chance you to promote the banana over any other fruit.
  14. Before They Were Famous- Name any one of your idols and share the story of them before they were famous and what made them famous today.
  15. Million-Dollar Word- Speak about the best word you feel, and narrate a story with it.
  16. Life As An Object- Describe Life as if it’s an object.
  17. “Bright Lights, Big City”- Which city name come to your mind when you hear this and why.
  18. Beach Party- Share your beach party experience or what if you got to plan a beach party with your friends.
  19. Yesterday- Share about your yesterday.
  20. Back-To-School- Describe the best and worst part of your school days.
  21. Public Speaking- What comes to your mind when you heard this word public speaking, share your experiences and explain how one can progress in public speaking.
These are the few topics which you can use for one or two minutes impromptu speaking sessions.
Good Luck!

ust a Minute session is a test of your wit. The topics for this session should be very interesting, something that people don’t expect. Therefore Rhetorical questions and imaginative scenarios will make the session interesting and funny. A few suggestions:
  1. What if human beings had tails!
  2. You wake up naked in times Square, what will you do?
  3. What will you choose: Free travel or Free food, why?
  4. What do you see when you close your eyes?
  5. Given a choice what super power you’ll choose and why?
  6. You can take 3 people for lunch to Hawaii, whom will you choose and why?
  7. Which is your Favorite season, Summers or Winters, why?
  8. What is the one secret that you don’t want to share with anybody!
  9. What is the one thing that you will like to improve about yourself.
  10. The one TV show that best describes you.
  11. Lie about any of the following: “Politicians are not honest”, “I’ve never cheated in an exam”, “ I am not an alien”.
  12. The celebrity you’ll like to get married to.
  13. Choose between a Foolish friend or an intelligent enemy.
  14. Do you think hard work guarantees Success?
  15. The fear that you’ll like to overcome and why?


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